NASO announces winners of National Astronomy Olympiad 2015-Logo Competition

If you are waiting to know who bagged this year’s National Astronomy Olympiad Logo Competition, the time for your wait is over! Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) announces winners of Second National Astronomy Olympiad 2015- Logo Competition held during September 25- November 7, 2014.
The winning logos for National Astronomy Olympiad 2015 (NAO2015) are:

First Winner at National astronomy Olympiad 2015 (NAO2015)-Logo Competition, Designer: Yonjan
Mr. Yonjan Jensun, the first prize winner of the competition ,  after the announcement says, ‘I am very thankful towards Nepal Astronomy Society (NASO) for selecting my design as the first winner. It is a great feeling to be part of NASO through my artwork. I hope this might help inspire other youths to be involved in NASO by giving their time for such logo competition, or even volunteer at the NASO Annual Olympiad. National Astronomy Olympiad Logo Competition is a great way to give a chance for emerging young designers to promote their work in Nepal. It also helps to spread word about NASO and their works for promoting astronomy in Nepal since 1980s.’

He will be donating the prize to Maya Universe Academy at Damauli, Nepal. Maya Universe Academy is a youth movement to provide free education in rural Nepal. 
Second Winner at National Astronomy Olympiad 2015 (NAO2015) – Logo Competition
Mr. Shankar Rai, who bagged second position says, ‘At the very first beginning when I was participating in this competition, I didn’t know whether I become winner? Apparently, my only intention was just to give you my creativity. But eventually it got me stand at second position which is not a small achievement either. If such platform are keep on giving to the youth like us, it doesn’t let our creativity and skill die.So, once again it is my great honor to be the second winner.May your effort always encourages youths.’

Third Winner at National Astronomy Olympiad 2015 (NAO2015) – Logo Competition
Mr. Raj Khadgi who is the third winner of the competition highlighted the importance of such competition to encourage youths to showcase their skills and creativity. He says,  ‘This is my great experience being part of this national level  logo competition. And achieving  third position is really a wonderful moment for me. This kind of competition plays an important role to encourage the growing youths to present their skills and creativity. I want to  thank Nepal Astronomy Society for acknowledging our creativity and hope for such kind of activities in near future also.’

The first, second and third winners will cash prize of NRs. 5,000/- , NRs. 1,000/- and NRs. 500 /- respectively along with certificates and token of love during Second National Astronomy Olympiad 2015 in Nepal.

Looking forward to another successful astronomy Olympiad in Nepal!

Source: New feed

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